How to nurture your thyroid post-partum

Pregnancy and birth can be draining on many parts of the body, including the thyroid. But if you want to avoid lingering symptoms such as fatigue, depression and weight gain? You want to start nurturing your thyroid back to health from day 1 post-partum.

So how can you do this? Let’s dive into some actionable ways for you to support your thyroid health during the post-partum period.

How to nurture your thyroid post-partum

Rest comes first

When it comes to post-partum in general, rest is a cornerstone of your recovery. But it also plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy, happy thyroid gland.

The unfortunate thing is that during pregnancy, birth and the first little while of caring for your baby? Sleep deprivation and little downtime is all too common.

That’s why you need to consciously put rest first – in whatever form you are able to include.

This can mean:

  • Getting more sleep – either by alternating sleep shifts with your partner or getting help from a post-partum doula/family member

  • Taking more time for breaks during the day – outsourcing tasks such as food prep and household chores can help free up the time for this

  • Including mental rest – whether it’s meditation, getting out into nature or simply being in a quiet room alone for a little while to allow your brain to unwind

All forms of rest can help to reduce elevated stress hormones, minimise inflammation and encourage a healthy balance of thyroid hormone production.

Prioritise your thyroid nutrients

While pregnancy is an amazing process, it can deplete your stores of many vital nutrients. So one of the common issues that can affect the thyroid post-partum is low levels of thyroid nutrients. To counteract this, we want to ensure you’re getting a good intake of these vitamins and minerals.


  • Iodine

  • Selenium

  • Zinc

  • Vitamin D

  • Iron

  • B vitamins

  • Magnesium

Learn more about the micro-nutrition your thyroid needs here.

Consider iodine testing

In some cases, testing iodine levels may be warranted. This is particularly useful if you are planning on breastfeeding. Iodine is crucial for the production of breast milk, but you still need it for your own thyroid function as well!

Speak to your nutritionist or naturopath about arranging iodine testing.

Breastfeeding? You need ongoing thyroid support in place!

On that note, lactation is just as demanding on the body as pregnancy in many ways. The thyroid has to be working optimally to produce hormones to support not only your usual body functions, but also the production of milk. Not to mention, breast milk production takes a lot of nutrition – so if you’re not getting enough nutrients in, you can end up depleting your own stores.

Make sure you’re supporting your thyroid with:

  • Regular, balanced meals with protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats

  • Plenty of wholefoods for micronutrients

  • Hydrating yourself every day with fresh, filtered water

  • Managing your stress

  • Gentle physical activity as per your doctor’s recommendations

  • Minimising environmental pollutants and using non-toxic alternatives instead

Seek help if you’re struggling

Whether this is your first baby or you’re an old hand, the post-partum period can be overwhelming. But you don’t have to do it alone – and in fact, it’s best for your thyroid if you don’t.

We know that stress plays a major role in impairing thyroid function. It may even be part of the reason why some mothers develop thyroid conditions during the post-partum phase.

Make sure you have a support team ready and able to help when needed. This may include a combination of family, friends, your partner, and even professionals such as doulas and counsellors. By sharing the load, you will have more time and energy to focus on your recovery as well as the wellbeing of your little one.


When you receive a thyroid disease diagnosis, there’s a good chance you’ll feel overwhelmed and powerless. It could even be that you’re not clear on what’s driving it or where it came from!

But even if you’re still uncovering the cause, it doesn’t mean you need to suffer the symptoms forever! Your daily habits can make a massive difference – all you need to do is learn about your condition and empower yourself.


Check out my Ultimate VIP Thyroid Recovery Program here.