Diet tips to support healthy hair growth

The secret to luscious, healthy hair? It’s not just about the products you use – like any form of health, it starts from within. And one of the ways we can support this is through the foods that we eat.

Of course, a nutrient-packed diet can’t outdo damage from products and heat. But it can give your hair the healthiest start possible by providing key nutrients for growth & reducing problematic factors such as inflammation.

So let’s dive into some simple diet tips for gorgeous hair.

Diet tips to support healthy hair growth

Focus on protein

Protein is the building block of your hair because it provides the amino acids that make up the structure of hair. So it should always be the starting point when it comes to hair nutrition!

A diet deficient in protein can lead to weakening of the hair follicles. As a result, you may experience dullness, brittle hair, increased breakage and even hair loss. So to ensure your body gets what it needs to maintain shiny, strong hair, focus in on your protein intake.

Aim to include at least 20-30 grams of protein in every meal. You can also choose protein-rich snacks for an extra boost! Some protein-rich foods to incorporate are:

  • Meat & poultry

  • Fish and seafood

  • Eggs

  • Beans and legumes

  • Dairy products (if tolerated) including goat and sheep milk options

Balance those blood sugar levels

It might seem a bit strange – but your blood sugar can impact your hair health. Constantly fluctuating blood sugars can trigger issues including inflammation and imbalances in hormones (including thyroid hormones, of course!) So taking steps to keep your levels steady goes a long way.

My simple rules for balancing blood sugars include:

  • Adding protein and/or a high fibre food to every meal and snack

  • Choosing complex carbohydrates over simple, refined carbohydrates

  • Gentle movement after meals e.g. going for a walk around the block after dinner

  • Mindful eating practices – taking your time, chewing thoroughly, focusing on your food rather than distractions!

Add some essential fatty acids

Is there anything that EFAs aren’t fantastic for? EFAs such as omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids play so many roles in hair health, including hydration of scalp cells, reducing inflammation and promoting healthy hair growth.

Ensure you’re getting a regular dose of these superstar nutrients by adding:

  • Avocado

  • Flaxseeds/linseeds

  • Chia seeds

  • Nuts such as walnuts

  • Fatty fish such as salmon (barramundi is a great option if you’re not a fan of oily fish!)

Don’t forget the iodine

It couldn’t be one of my nutrition articles without touching on the benefits of iodine! As you might know from my other content, iodine plays a crucial role in thyroid function. And as the powerhouse of the body, your thyroid can influence all cells – including those involved in hair growth.

Some great sources of dietary iodine include:

  • Seafood such as cod and oysters

  • Seaweeds including nori and kombu

  • Shiitake mushrooms

However, I do recommend sourcing seafood and seaweed from uncontaminated waters whenever possible.

Boost up the zinc

Zinc is a rockstar mineral that is involved in hundreds of processes in the human body. And with that many processes, it’s no surprise that it is involved in hair growth.

Zinc deficiency has been associated with hair-related symptoms such as hair loss and thinning, and it also plays a vital role in both thyroid health and inflammation.

The good news? There are plenty of healthy, delicious ingredients that include a dose of zinc. My go-to options are:

  • Sunflower seeds

  • Pumpkin seeds

  • Fish

  • Seafood such as oysters

  • Brazil nuts

  • Pecans


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